Headaches from Neck Pain

By: Dr. Phil Bechard, DC

The relationship between cervical (neck) joints and headaches can be complex. However, some ways in which cervical joints may contribute to headaches include:

  • Muscle Tension and Posture: Poor posture and muscle tension in the neck and upper back can lead to strain on the cervical joints. This tension can radiate to the head and contribute to tension-type headaches.

  • Nerve Irritation: The cervical spine houses nerves that extend into the head. If there is irritation or compression of these nerves due to issues like herniated discs or misalignment of the vertebrae, it could result in headaches.

  • Cervicogenic Headaches: These are headaches that originate from the neck. They can be caused by dysfunction in the cervical spine, such as arthritis, injury, or muscle tightness. The pain is often felt on one side of the head and may be accompanied by neck pain.

  • Blood Flow: Some researchers suggest that changes in blood flow to the brain due to issues in the neck could contribute to certain types of headaches.

It’s crucial to have a consultation to determine if chiropractic care is the right course of care for your headache, especially if it’s been persisting for a long amount of time. They can conduct a thorough examination, consider your medical history, and determine the appropriate course of action. Our chiropractors will then, if suitable, help you create a plan that includes manual therapy, exercise, and postural advice that should help you break the cycle! If you’re interested in what we can do for you, call our offices at 585-445-8584 (Rochester), 585-445-8605 (Penfield), or conveniently schedule online at www.mthopechiropractic.com 

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